Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I think I've mentioned before that I was reading "Trusting God" by Jerry Bridges. Well, I am almost done and considering reading it again because there is so much good stuff in there... but it seems like there are so many people in my life right now that I could pass it along to. This past weekend was quite a weekend to trust in God's sovreignty. I decided this morning to go back and reread certain sections in "Trusting God" to remind me where my hope is. I wanted to share a few short passages with you: 

"God does not delight in causing us to experience pain or heartache. He always has a purpose for the grief He brings or allows to come into our lives. Most often we do not know what that purpose is, but it is enough to know that His infinite wisdom and perfect love have determined that the particular sorrow is best for us. God never wastes pain. He always uses it to accomplish His purpose. And His purpose is for His glory and our good. Therefore, we can trust Him when our hearts are aching or our bodies are racked with pain." Jerry Bridges

"I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in God's though, and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest and most precious thing in all thinking." "If we have physical or mental disabilities or impairments, it is because of God in His wisdom and love created us that way. We may not understand why God chose to do that, but that is where our trusting Him has to begin." George MacDonald and Jerry Bridges

I am so thankful that Eden is doing well and has recovered quickly. My request today from you is that you would pray for a few sweet children who have been on my heart this week. I learned this past week Charlotte and Preston's stories.... they both brought back a flood of emotions into my heart that have not been far removed. You can read both their stories by clicking on their names.  We also found out about some heartbreaking news of a family member, but I must get permission before I say anything on the blog. You were all so faithful in praying for Eden - so would you please now pray for them.

I decided to post this today because it is, well, where I am at the moment.... learning and trying to trust God in the difficult circumstances and hoping to provide a glimpse of encouragement to anyone else facing them. I know that God is Good... all the time. I know that you have been faithful to pray for Eden, and I know that these families would appreciate your faithful prayers as well!


Kacie Gregory said...

Thank you so much for that blog and the words of encouragement within it! Beth that works w/ your mom told me to come read your blog today and it was things that I really needed to hear :-) Thank you again..and you guys are in my prayers all the time.


Kacie (Preston's Mommy!)

Anonymous said...

Dear Steph,

It is so amazing to me how God works and how powerful his words of encouragement are. I think there is not a day that goes by that I don't lean on God for answers to questions like "why". I realize though by his presence in each of us that it is not for us to figure out but to trust. Trust in him that we are all in his hands and it's his time that things happen and are taken care of. I pray each day for Eden and Preston and I know that they too will be okay God has been plans for these children he will see them through! Thank you for your faith and for sharing I will be purchasing the book you mentioned, it is nice to be able to share too! Love to you all! Mylinda

Anonymous said...

Praying so much for sweet Eden. And thanking God for your words that spoke straight to my heart!

-Ashley Elizabeth